Monday 7 April 2008

The Farmer Girl

As the morning sparrow sings,
She wakes and prays in silence.
And gets to milk the cows,
In the shade of the dawn.
Pure in heart and good in deeds,
She is the pet of the family.
She binds them with love,
Cares them with kindness,
While she steals from heart to heart
Never a complaint, nor hurry.
And as dusk glides away,
She prepares for her silent prayer.
Prayer, pure and unselfish.
She prays for the people and world,
For cows, sparrows and green grass.
And she sleeps, silent and chaste
With a smile on her face, that shines.
and dreams of sparrows, flowers,
Of streams and toddles playing.
She's the farmers's girl, his beauty.


  1. Assalaamu alaikum; Beautiful sis... did you write it? Very rustic, makes me miss England!

  2. Wa alaikumussalam,
    Thank you sis. I wrote it with memories of my village in India. So we are both missing our homeland very much, is it? :(


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